
Showing posts from December, 2019

'Blade Runner' (Ridley Scott, 1982)

Auteur Theory Presentation 'Blade Runner' Presentation   She’s a replicant   scene from ‘Blade Runner’ (Ridley Scott, 1982) directors cut. Questions: 1.     Describe the setting and other aspects of the mise en scene that seem significant. -        Focus on the motif “eyes” -        Racheal is smoking a cigarette, which links to her character being a noir woman  -        The setting is at the top of the building, which links to the theme of corporate power (Tyrell Corporation)  2.     This is when the audience (and Deckard) are first introduced to Rachael. Describe her appearance. How do you consider she is represented? -        Racheal has been represented as confident, direct, obedient. -        We see her as a character of a femme fatale  3.     Why does Tyrell ask Rachael to step outside? -        Tyrell asks Racheal to step outside because she doesn’t know that she is a replicant  4.     How many questions does it take to identify a replicant

Science Fiction

Science Fiction: sub genres with examples (presentation)   Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Common  Characteristics  of  Science Fiction Time travel. Mind control, telepathy, and telekinesis. Aliens, extraterrestrial life forms , and mutants. Space travel and exploration. Interplanetary warfare. Parallel universes. Fictional Worlds. Future noir Lancaster University   professor Jamaluddin Bin Aziz argues that as science fiction has evolved and expanded, it has fused with other film genres such as  gothic   thrillers  and  film noir . When science fiction integrates film noir elements, Bin Aziz calls the resulting hybrid form "future noir", a form which "... encapsulates a  postmodern  encounter with generic persistence, creating a mixture of irony


Cuts and Transitions Presentation The notion of directing a film is the invention of critics - the whole  eloquence of cinema is achieved in the editing room.    -  Orson Welles Intro to Editing Qs Q1. What is the most basic edit    and what does it do? -  Cut is the most common way to join two shots . In essence, it is the continuation of two different shots within the same time and space. Q2. What are the purposes of a simple cut ? - It is the continuation of two different shots within the same time and space Q3. What is cutting on action ? -  Film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action . Q4. Give three examples of action cuts. - A man walking up to a door and reaching for the knob. Just as his hand touches the knob, the scene  cuts  to a shot of the door opening from the other side. Q5. What is a cutaway ? - The interruption of a continuously filmed action by

Film Noir

Film Noir Presentation “When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” ―  Ted Grant  Film Noir, (French: “dark film”) style of filmmaking characterized by such elements as  cynical  heroes, stark lighting effects, frequent use of flashbacks, intricate plots, and an underlying  existentialist  philosophy. The  genre  was prevalent mostly in American crime dramas of the post- World War II  era. Defining the genre Controversy exists as to whether   film noir   can be classified as a   genre   or subgenre, or if the term merely refers to stylistic elements common to various   genres .   Film noir   does not have a thematic coherence: the term is most often applied to crime dramas, but certain westerns and comedies have been cited as examples of film noir   by some critics. Other critics argue that  film noir  is but an arbitrary designation  for a multitude of dissimila