'Blade Runner' (Ridley Scott, 1982)

Auteur Theory Presentation
'Blade Runner' Presentation
Image result for rare photos ridley scott

She’s a replicant scene from ‘Blade Runner’ (Ridley Scott, 1982) directors cut.


1.   Describe the setting and other aspects of the mise en scene that seem significant.
-      Focus on the motif “eyes”
-      Racheal is smoking a cigarette, which links to her character being a noir woman 
-      The setting is at the top of the building, which links to the theme of corporate power (Tyrell Corporation) 
2.   This is when the audience (and Deckard) are first introduced to Rachael. Describe her appearance. How do you consider she is represented?
-      Racheal has been represented as confident, direct, obedient.
-      We see her as a character of a femme fatale 
3.   Why does Tyrell ask Rachael to step outside?
-      Tyrell asks Racheal to step outside because she doesn’t know that she is a replicant 
4.   How many questions does it take to identify a replicant? How many for Rachael?
-      Number of questions for a normal replicant: 20 – 30
-      Number of questions for Racheal: more than a hundred 
5.   What is Deckard’s response to realising that Rachael doesn’t realise she’s a replicant?
-      “How can it not know what it is”
6.   What does Tyrell say his goal at Tyrell Corporation is? What is his motto?
-      His goal is to make as many replicants as he can. 
-      His motto is “MORE HUMAN THAN HUMAN”
7.   Why does Tyrell “gift” replicants a past?
-      He gives them memories, so their emotions have a “cushion” and in that way it is easier to control them, as he is the one to choose the memories 
8.   What theme or themes are being addressed in this scene? 
-      Themes of:
Corporate power
9.   How do you think Deckard thinks about Rachael by the end of the scene? Why?
-      Deckard shows sympathy towards Racheal, because he sees how upset she is when she find out that she is a replicant 
10.How do you consider Rachael is represented overall in this scene? Why?

Someone else’s memories scene from ‘Blade Runner’ (Ridley Scott, 1982) directors cut.


1.   What is Rachael’s opening question?
-      “You think I’m a replicant, don’t you?”
2.   How does Rachael try to persuade Deckard that she’s human?
-      Racheal tries to persuade Deckard that she is a human by showing him a picture which is supposed to be of her and her mother.
3.   How does Deckard prove she’s not human?
-      He starts telling Racheal her own memories.
4.   What is the significance of the spider story?
-      Tyrell corporation and how the creates replicants which spread around the city
5.   Describe the music that starts playing in the spider story? What meaning does it convey?

6.   Who do Rachael’s memories belong to? How does that make her feel?
-      Tyrell’s niece
-      Racheal gets upset and leaves Deckard’s apartment.  
7.   How does Deckard respond to this? What meaning does that convey?
-      He tell Racheal that he was joking.
8.   Make notes on: 
a.   Mise en scene
b.   Cinematography
c.    lighting


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